
segunda-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2021

Atividade de Ingles, 3 ano A/B, Professora Léia.

Ler as questões e responder corretamente,enviando as respostas em forma de gabarito para a professora.

Está autorizado fazer impressão.

 Read the text below to answer questions 1 - 10.

1. What is the genre of the text?
a) charge.
b) letter.
c) comic strip.
d) opinion article.

2. Why was the girl surprised in the first comic?
a) Because you saw your colleague crying.
b) Because he realized that she was sick.
c) Because he saw the boy with his arm bandaged.
d) Because she didn't study for the exam.

3. Regarding the text, it is CORRECT to state that:
a) The girl asks a lot.
b) The boy wears glasses.
c) The narrative takes place on the street.
d) All children are seated.

4. In the third box the girl is
a) admired.
b) happy.
c) sad.
d) angry.

5. Purpose of the text is
a) teach.
b) amuse.
c) advertise.
d) give an opinion.

6. A expressão no texto: "Really?!" é o mesmo que
a) Não acredito?!
b) É mesmo?!
c) É possível?!
d) Nossa?!

7. The story takes place
a) on the street.
b) at home.
c) in the square.
d) at school.
8. No trecho: "... if i were you...", a palavra grifada "if" introduz 
a) um certeza.
b) uma condição.
c) uma dúvida.
d) uma consequência.

9. O trecho do texto que leva a colega de Antônio compreender de forma errada o acontecimento é:
a) "I broke my arm..."
b) "... what happened?"
c) "in two places."
d) "... back to either one!"

10. Check the alternative that there is a denial:
a) "I wouldn't go back..."
b) "Anthony, what happened?"
c) "Well, if i were you..."
d) "... to either one!"

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